Doctrines to be Rejected
The Trinity
We believe that God is not three, but One Father, out of whom are all things - even the Spirit and the Son.
(I Cor 8:6; Eph 4:6) -
The "Eternal Sonship" of Christ, and the Free-Life Doctrine
We believe that the Son of God was not co-eternal with the Father, but is the result of the Father's manifestation in the flesh, by the operation of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, in the manner defined in paragraph 7, and that when he so appeared, his life in the flesh was no more a "free life" than that of his brethren whom he came to redeem, but was, "in all points," what theirs was, as his mission (to put away death by death) required, the difference between him and them being that he was without transgression.
(Luke 1:35; Matt 1:20; Rom 8:3; Heb 2:14,17; 4:15; 5:9; Ps 21:4) -
The "Third Person in the Godhead"
We believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but the vehicular effluence of the Father, filling all space, and forming the medium and instrument of all the Father's operations.
(Job 26:13; 33:4 Ps 104:30; Neh 9:30)
The Immortality of the Soul
We believe that the immortality of the soul is a pagan fiction, subversive of the first law of the Deity's moral government, viz., that the wages of sin is death.
(Gen 3:19; Ps 89:48; 30:3; 81:13; Job 33:22; Rom 5:12; 6:23; I Tim 6:16)
The Theory of Disembodied Existence
We believe that there is no existence in death, conscious or unconscious, and that the popular belief in heaven and hell is a delusion. Therefore:
a) That the wicked will not suffer eternal torture, but will be engulfed in total destruction after resurrection.
b) That the righteous will not ascend to kingdoms beyond the skies at death, or at any other time, but will inherit the earth forever.
(Ps 6:5; Eccl 9:5,6,10; Ps 44:3-4; Isa 38:18-19; Job 3:13,22; Ps 37:10,20,34; Job 20:5,8; I Thess 1:9-10; Ps 144:20; 104:35; 73:27; Job 21:30; Prov 13:30; Prov 10:30; 11:31; Matt 5:5; Ps 37:9,22; Rev 5:9-10; Dan 7:27)
Supernatural Personal Devil
We believe that there is no such thing as a supernatural personal devil, the devil of Scripture being a personification of sin in its several phases and manifestations among men.
(Heb 2:14; Acts 5:3-9; Matt 16:23; Rev 2:10,12-13; John 6:70; Rev 12:3,17)
Ecclesiastical and Sky Kingdoms
We believe that the kingdom of God is not "the church," or a region beyond the stars, but a system of things to be established under Christ on earth, in the Holy Land.
(Dan 2:44; 7:13; Jer 23:5; Luke 1:32-33; Amos 9:11; Ezek 37:21,22)
Three-Fact Gospel
We believe that the Gospel is not the death, burial and resurrection of Christ merely, but "the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ."
(Acts 8:12; 28:30-31)
No Judgment at the Coming of Christ
We believe that the judgment of the saints, at the tribunal of Christ, when he comes, is not a simple allotment of rewards, but a dividing of the faithful from the unfaithful, with reference to the question of life or death.
(I Cor 4:5; II Cor 5:10; Rom 2:5-6,16; 2:18; Gal 6:8)
The "First Resurrection"
We believe that the resurrection at the appearing of Christ, is not confined to the faithful, but extends to all who have made a profession of his name, whether faithful or not.
(Rom 14:10,12; II Tim 4:1; Luke 19:15; Dan 12:2)
Immortal Resurrection
We believe that those thus rising are not in a glorified state, but appear before Christ, in their natural body, to have it decided whether they are worthy of being clothed upon with immortality, or deserving of a return to corruption.
(II Cor 5:10; Rom 8:11; II Cor 5:2; I Cor 15:53)
Immortal Nations in the Millennium
We believe that the subject-nations of the thousand years are not immortal.
(Rev 20:6; Isa 65:20; I Cor 15:24-29)
Judaism and Sabbatarianism
We believe that the law of Moses is not binding in any of its enactments except those retained in the letters of the apostles; and the observance of Sunday, as popularly enjoined, is unscriptural.
(Acts 15:23-29; Gal 3:19-24; 5:1-4; Rom 6:14-15; 3:20-22; Col 2:16-17; Rom 14:5-6; Gal 4:9-10)
Baby "Baptism" and Infant Salvation
We believe that baby sprinkling is an invention of man, and infant salvation is a doctrine opposed to Scripture.
(Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12; Heb 9:6; Eph 4:17-18)
Resurrection of Heathens, Idiots, Babies, etc.
We believe that "heathens," idiots, pagans, and very young children, will never see the light of resurrection, but pass away as though they had not been: the resurrection being restricted to those who are responsible to the divine law. (Job 3:13-32; 10:18-19; 14:10-12; Isa 26:13-14; Jer 51:39,57; Prov 21:16; Rom 2:12; Ps 49:6-30; John 3:19; 12:48; 15:22-24)
Salvation without the Gospel
We believe that salvation is impossible without a belief of the gospel, however "moral" a man's life may be.
(Gal 2:16; Acts 4:12; Rom 3:23-26; Acts 10:1-2; in connection with 11:14)
Salvation Without Baptism
We believe that under the apostolic dispensation salvation is impossible without baptism.
(Gal 3:27; I Pet 3:21; Rom 6:3-5)
The Value of Baptism in a State of Ignorance
We believe that baptism is of no avail in the absence of an understanding and belief of "the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ."
(Acts 19:3-5; 8:12; Mark 16:16)